Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Employee Calculator

You can determine your Applicable Large Employer (ALE) status for 2019 ACA compliance and reporting by calculating your total Full-time Equivalent Employees from 2018 data. If your Total Equivalent Full-time Employees is 50 or more, you qualify as an Applicable Large Employer for 2019 ACA compliance and reporting.

To learn more about FTE status and ALE Status for 2019 ACA Compliance Needs Checking NOW, visit: https://aca-track.com/ale-status-for-2019-aca-compliance-needs-checking-now/

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Louisville, KY 40222

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Information provided by PSST, LLC concerning the Affordable Care Act is not legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you have questions about how the Affordable Care Act will affect you as an employer, please consult legal counsel.

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