Marine microbiology: ecology and applications Colin Munn (with foreword by Farooq Azam)

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The Plymouth Student Scientist

This collection of articles features examples of coursework submitted by three students taking the module BIOL3309 „Marine Microbiology – Ecology & Applications‟ as part of the BSc Hons Marine Biology degree at Plymouth. In this module, students discuss recent research papers in regular seminars, and keep a portfolio of critical evaluations of papers that they have studied. This subject is arguably one of the fastest moving fields in marine science and recent discoveries, made possible by the application of new techniques (especially metagenomics and rapid DNA sequencing) have revolutionized our understanding of ocean processes and the interactions of microbes with other marine life. Thus, students taking this module are encouraged to monitor the latest issues of journals and to select papers of their own choice, so that they gain an appreciation of the most recent advances. Students are provided with detailed advice on approaches to studying scientific literature and are given a te.

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Marine microorganisms are paramount towards the health of our environment and our welfare. They are integral components to all major biogeochemical cycles, fluxes and processes occurring in marine systems where the elements move between the two forms, oxidized and reduced. Microbes are diverse and extremely abundant and help in the production and release of carbon products that are essential in the regulation of the Earth's climate, particularly CO2 and CH4. Apart from these, marine microorganisms also provide essential goods and services to our society such as, production of oxygen, supporting sustainable supply of food, regulating the health of the marine environment, providing largely undeveloped source of genetic information and biomolecules for use in industrial and medical applications and products. Regardless of their importance, a dab is known about marine microbial diversity. The present paper aims to highlight the varied distribution of marine microbes in the estuaries, continental shelves and the deep sea. These habitats (except the deep-sea environment) are compatible for the growth and survival of marine microbes due to the presence of high nutrient, photon energy and optimum salinity. The application of marine microbes in the production of antibiotics, antitumour compounds, enzyme and also in the sphere of bioremediation has opened a new chapter for the benefit of mankind.

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Methods in Microbiology