Power lines and property value: What you need to know

There are certain real estate “rules” we tend to take at face value without looking into the issue on our own. One of these rules is that you don’t want to buy a house near power lines. You may have heard warnings all your life about how power lines decrease the value of a property and in this case, the rumors are true. You should expect property that is located by power lines to sell for significantly less than similar homes not near property lines.

The effects of power lines on property values may be enough to scare some potential buyers off, so let’s look at why power lines damage property values, how much value one should expect to lose, and if health issues truly are a concern.

Do power lines decrease property value?

The short answer? Yes, power lines decrease property value. Whether or not that fact is truly as bad as it seems is something we’ll examine a bit further on. But for now, let’s try to understand why power lines cause property values to drop.

The main reason why power lines make your property worth less is simply because most people don’t like how they look. Not only are power lines not super aesthetically pleasing, but they tend to block views. Sound plays just as big of a factor as sight. If a property is too close to a power line, the residents have to listen to the humming sound they produce when trying to relax in their own backyard.

While these concerns may be easy to overlook for some, one aspect of power lines that many can’t ignore is the rumored health concerns. We’ll break these health concerns down shortly, but for now it’s worth noting that no research has proven any solid links between the proximity to power lines and medical issues.

One of the biggest hurdles when you live near power lines is quite burdensome. If a home sits right under power lines, there will be restrictions regarding how the homeowner can utilize their property. Landscaping especially causes complications, because trees can become tangled with power lines.

How much do power lines decrease value?

How much power lines decrease the value of a home varies, but many studies have been done on this issue and can give you a ballpark idea of what to expect.

A 2018 study from the Journal of Real Estate Research found that vacant lots near high-voltage power lines sell for 44.9% less than equivalent lots that aren’t located near power lines. If you take a step back, a lot that is located within 1,000 feet of transmission lines tends to sell for 17.9% less.

Other studies confirm similar numbers, but of course a home value is determined by many factors.