You may be eligible for a pension based on work you did for a federal, state, or local government, a nonprofit organization, or in another country. If you did not pay Social Security taxes on your earnings, this pension can affect the amount of your Social Security benefits. We refer to this reduction as the Windfall Elimination Provision, or WEP.
If you paid Social Security taxes on 30 years of substantial earnings, WEP does not apply to you.
Our WEP fact sheet explains if WEP may affect you.
If you think your pension will affect your Social Security benefit, you can:
The Windfall Elimination Provision reduces your Eligibility Year (ELY) benefit amount before it is reduced or increased due to certain factors. These may include early retirement, delayed retirement credits, cost-of-living adjustments (COLA), or other factors. The following examples show how the WEP reduction changes when other factors affect the ELY benefit.
The monthly retirement benefits are reduced or increased based on your age after WEP reduces your ELY benefit.
If you turn 62 in 2024 (ELY 2024) and you have 20 years of substantial earnings, WEP reduces your monthly benefit by $587. (Refer to the chart below.)
Your full retirement age is 67. If your full retirement benefit is $1,396, your ELY benefit after the WEP reduction would be $809 ($1,396 - $587). *
If you choose to start retirement benefits the month you turn 62, you will get benefits before you reach full retirement age. We reduce your monthly benefit to 70% because you will get benefits for 60 additional months.
Your age 62 retirement benefit is $566 ($809 x 70% = $566) per month. If your full retirement benefit had not been reduced by WEP, your age 62 retirement benefit would have been $977.
If you choose to wait until age 70 to receive benefits you can get Delayed Retirement Credits.
Your eligibility year is still 2024.
If your retirement benefits start after your full retirement age (67), the benefit increases 8% for each year before age 70 that you delay retirement. If your benefits start at age 70, you get credit for the 36 additional months when you did not get benefits. Your monthly benefit will be 24% higher.
Your age 70 retirement benefit is $1,003 * ($809 x 1.24 = $1,003). If your full retirement benefit had not been reduced by WEP, your age 70 retirement benefit would have been $1,731. *
The COLA is added to your monthly benefit amount after WEP reduces your ELY benefit.
* Benefit amounts are rounded down to the nearest dollar.The examples above apply only to benefits paid to the worker and do not include future COLA increases. The WEP reduction may be larger if family members are eligible for benefits on the same record. In most cases, we won’t reduce your Social Security full retirement age benefit by more than ½ of your pension amount for earnings after 1956 on which you didn’t pay Social Security taxes.
The chart is easy to use.
Maximum Monthly Amount Your Benefit May Be Reduced Because Of The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)*