Judgment Dating Guide

In Judgment you can go on dates with specific girls after completing side cases related to them. This Judgment Dating guide shows all the girls you can date and what choices you need to make with them.

None of the dates are missable. Tthe game will give pretty big hints as to what correct answers should be, as well as giving you a fair amount of leeway in responses and how much raises each girls affection meter. All the choices listed below are mostly suggestions, a lot of the time there isn’t a specific “right” answer as multiple can give affection raises during any given date or encounter with the girls. Most dates seem that you can raise affection of each level to maximum halfway through any given date so there are many extra responses if you feel like trying to go at it yourself.

Dates can be messed up, but you can go on as many dates with a girl as you want until you meet the affection thresholds to increase her affection level and progress her dating chain. Once you raise affection to max for each girl they will confess their feelings to you, which you can accept or reject at your own discretion, getting to the confession is what’s required for the dating trophies, not actually accepting each girl as a girlfriend.

Sana Mihama

After completing her side mission she will text you later. Respond with:
I’ll cheer you up anytime.

You can then go meet her at her usual spot in front of Theater Square, where she’ll have quite the crowd gathered. When she asks if you’ve came to see her sing respond with:
Of course.

She’ll text you back saying that she was contacted by a talent agency again, where you should respond with:
I expected nothing less of you.

After you complete some other activity Sana will text you again asking to meet up. You should respond with:
I wanted to see you too.

First Date:

You can now go meet Sana for a date over in front of Theater Square. If you want to buy her a gift, you should pick:
Heart Earrings

When she asks where to go, select:

Once there, she’ll say she’s collecting the dog plushies and wants the brown on at the front. Get get it, move the claw left over it, then just slightly back so you can grab close to the front. If done right you can grab it just under it’s ears, and it’ll just hang from them. If you miss and it ends up flipping over you can grab it easier if it stays straight, just try to grab it from the middle.

If you’ve raised her affection level to the current max on the bar at this point (which you will if you’ve answered all the questions the suggested way and given her the earrings) you’ll have unlocked her first locked conversation. If you haven’t you can do the other options first to raise the bar more. You can run through these in any order, then once you’re done select “End the Conversation” once you’re finished.

Talk about Sana’s Ideal Man
15 Years

Talk about Life in Kamurocho
Gently express concern

Talk about Hobbies
I’m actually pretty big on curry.
Playing pinball.

Take a picture.
How nice they are doesn’t seem to immediately matter, but be nice and crack a smile and snap the picture when Sana puts up a peace sign.

Once you’re finished you end the date, and if you raised the bar to max you go up an Intimacy level.

Respond to her next texts:
I did too.
I’ll be there next time for sure.

You’ll see her again in front of Theater Square. Go there and watch her performance.

Respond to her next texts:
Then let’s meet up to celebrate.

Second Date:

Sana starts by giving you the Amidst a Dream LP.
You can give her a gift if you wish, at this point just go with whichever you feel like buying before. Sana isn’t a “mature lady”, so probably stick to the other items.

Pick a location to go to, but you’ll be stopped by the “very passionate fan” of Sana’s. After you should pick:
Wanna chat in my office?

After she makes you some food:
Sing her praises

Questions can be ask in any order again:

Have you written anything new lately?

What made you want to get in to music?
You must have some real talent.

Are you dating anyone right now?
That’s a relief.
Still single. (Up to you how you answer this one, no harem punishment in Judgment that I’m aware of ;P)

Remind her it’s getting late

Respond to her texts:
Make me some more next time.
We must have looked like a good couple.

She’ll text you again later asking to meet up, respond based on whether you can at the moment or not.

Third Date:

If you have the suit from La Marche you’ll put it on. Feel free to give Sana whichever gift you think will fit. Head to the location you like. (I opted for Batting Center)

Her Disguise
I like them both.

How She’s Been
That is a problem indeed

Who She Likes (Max affection bar)
Pretend you know who it is

When she texts, respond:
Wish it would last forever.
Thinking about you.
I guess great minds think alike.

After this she’ll text to meet up again, so respond when you want to meet her.

Fourth Date:

Pick where you want, this time I opted for darts (which Sana is apparently quite good at)

Let’s just talk.
Maybe we shouldn’t see each other. (Other option is probably better)

Let’s talk relationships. (High enough intimacy level)
I see you as someone special.

Follow your heart.
What about that song you wrote?

You’ll have to head outside to go check on Sana. You’ll find the weird dude harassing her near the convenience store, and you’ll have to beat him up. He’ll realize the error of his ways, and head out into the night.

Sana will text you, respond with:
I’m totally fine.
I’d like to hear that sometime.
Here’s hoping everything goes smoothly.

She’ll text you once more to meet up, so respond when you’re ready:

Fifth “Date”:

This time Sana will actually meet you at your office. Head upstairs and wait in the circle.

How’s your latest single?

How’s that manager of yours?

(She mentioned something important…)

After this you can choose to accept or reject Sana’s relationship.

Nanami Matsuoka

When she texts you for the first time after the side case:
I’m just glad you’re safe.
Okay. Well, don’t push yourself.

You can then respond to her again on your own, select:
Hope you’re doing well.
I’m pretty quick like that.

Nanami will text you again herself, respond:
Then let’s go out on a date.
Yeah (If you want to do the date right away)
Can’t wait to see you.

First Date:

For gifts for Namami, any of the items that specify they’re for mature women or mention something along the line of sophistication. Up to you how much to spend where you’re at the in the game if you want to. First date I went with Prima Heart Earrings. Don’t go too expensive or flashy, she doesn’t like that as much.

Location up to you, though Nanami is really into Drones, so Drone Race is probably a good first pick.
Go with the first race on the oval track. Even without any Drone upgrades at all if you’ve not ventured into them you should be able to win, just use turbo regularly and stick to the inside corners.

In regards to drinking on the first date:
Either answer (you go for drinks anyway)

Questions can be asked in any order:

Tell me a little about yourself.

What do you do for work?
I bet that keeps you pretty busy.
So you’re a workaholic, then?
What are your hobbies?
Actually, same here.
Yeah, I do.
How old are you?
You look young for your age.

I’m glad that stalker of yours is gone.

What’s your philosophy on love?
I still think romance has its place.
Well said.

After the first date, respond to her texts with:
I don’t mind.
Let’s hang out again.

You can then text her back on your own time when you want to have a date again:
How’ve you been?
Ask her out
Do it anyway.
Of course.
Ask her out.
Uh, sure.
I’m free right now.

Second date:

You won’t get a choice on what to do, you’ll just head over to darts with the two girls.

After darts you’ll sit down and chat with them:

Ask about preferences in men.
Respect can’t be handed out to just anyone.
Do you not like the concept of dating?

Ask about Yukko
It was when I first saw Nanami-san.

Ask about Nanami
I’m very interested.

End the conversation

The date will end and you’ll get a text from Nanami, respond with:

Let’s hang out, you and me.

Yukko will now text you, basically egging you on into asking Nanami out. Text Nanami again:

Do it.
I figured as much
Wanna hang out somewhere?

You’ll have to wait a bit, then text her back again:

Go to send a message to Nanami, but then Yagami will stop himself. You’ll then be able to message Yukko:

Ask Yukko-san
I am.

You’ll then have a date marker over in Wette Kitchen, where you should go to speak to Yukko. When you meet here respond with:

Yeah, I promise.
I think I can confidently say I like her.
Let’s do this!

After your discussion with Yukko message Nanami again:

Ask her to help

You’ll call Yukko after you close your phone, then call Nanami and let her know to meet you for the investigation. You’ll have the date spot marked on your map just North of Dragon’s Palace, head over there when you’re ready.

Third “Date”:

You’ll start out tailing Yukko, who is in disguise. When stopped during the chase, choose “Hold her close”. You’ll finish the tail in M Side Cafe, where you should respond in the following ways:

Talk about the investigation
I wonder.

Talk about us.
Take a step back and apologize.
But can you see me as a love interest?

Ask her perspective on dating
I’m sorry you had that experience.
Is that why you haven’t had a boyfriend for a while?

When you’re done the conversation Yukko will now be turned around staring at you like a weirdo. Select the option:

Will you feed me something?

Once the date is done, select:

I’d rather investigate some things we can do together.

Nanami will then message you, respond with:

Yukko will then message you, then after you should message Nanami when you’re ready, she’ll ask you to go for dinner with her.

Fourth Date:

You’ll meet Nanami in the normal spot, respond to her with ” I think you look fabulous”. You can then choose where to go before dinner, I opted for Drone Racing again as she’s really into drones.

After the race ask her “Why don’t we sit down and talk?” and you’ll head to Bantam. Choose the following responses:

Let’s see who can drink the most.
You’ll be playing a drinking game now with Nanami, you have to drink if she guesses stuff correctly, and not drink if she doesn’t. The first thing she guesses is whether you have a girlfriend or not, and it’s up to you how you answer that like with the other girls. No consequences either way.
(You can go through all answers with her, so order doesn’t really seem to matter)
You have someone you like right now.
Tell her companionship is important.
You’re actually not that good at cooking.
I wouldn’t mind eating something you made.
You haven’t had boyfriend in over five years.
You like older men.
I guess I have a chance too.
You like to “do it” by yourself.
You’ve done a job you’d rather not tell anyone.
You make over five million a year.
Try to compliment her.

Could you ever see me as a boyfriend?

After the conversation, you can choose to either call her a taxi or offer to go to another bar. Either way you’ll go to another bar.

Nanami will stop while walking though, and the jig is up on your fake investigation from earlier. I choose to “Tell her the truth”, and she heads off and the date is over.

Send her a text, then text Yukko, then Nanami, then Yukko, then Nanami one more time. Last text you’ll ask to meet her over at Theater Square, where a marker for her will show up shortly.

Fifth “Date”:

When you get to the marked location, Yukko will message you in a panic, and you’ll run over to help Nanami. When you get there nothing bad has happened though, and Nanami shows up too thinking you were in danger. Respond to her with:

What I really want is you.

You can then choose to answer how you please.


After completing Amane’s Side Cases related to Calamities she’ll eventually message you saying thanks, and you can then respond to her and take her out on dates. When she first messages you. respond with:
I believed you from the start
You’re right.

She’ll message you back a bit later saying a Cow Calamity is going to befall you, and basically just agree to her messages and she sorta talks her way into a totally not date.

For a gift any of the items that talk about maturity or mysticism are good, up to you how much you want to spend.

First Date:

I opted to go to Shogi first, as Amane outright says that’s what she wants to do. You can cheat Shogi by using a computer or phone app of it, and just copying the moves between with the AI on the app set to highest difficulty.

Ask About the Calamities
So you’re volunteering, then?

Find Out More About Her
I’m very interested in you.

Have you had any issues with your job? (This had a lock on it but it still let me select it and gained affection from it)
You have a very noble attitude.
I’m only kind to you.

Ask what’s been bothering her
Be Indirect

Choose accept when she asks whether to watch over the student, and you’ll prevent someone from stealing his bag. Then respond with “Well, we are partners”. Then your date will be over.

Amane will text you back shortly, you can respond with:

Let’s go on a date again.
That was all you, Amane-san.

After that she’ll text you again to set up a totally not date to lure out the cow calamity that will apparently befall you.

Second Date:

Second time I opted for darts (that’s a sport of merriment right). After you head to beef zone, and should pick the following options:

She’s my girlfriend.

Find out more about Amane

Try to get her full name

Follow up on her profession
Must’ve have been hard to deal with
I want to help people too

Ask about her love life
Do you have a boyfriend?
Be a gentleman

Ask her age
You’re in your twenties, right?

Try to get her measurements
Be modest

Choose to help Kim when Sakakiba comes in and starts causing a stir. You can then opt to stop him your fists, and you’ll easily slap him around outside.

When she texts you back after, respond with the following:

Me too.
The “sign of the blades” guy?

She’ll text you now to go on another date.

Third Date:

I opted to go all in, and respond with “You’re beautiful”. I then opted for the casino, as it was the last place to go to. Win a turn or two yourself then you can quit out.

Ask about the guy
Express your jealousy

Mention how it feels like a date
Very fun

Investigate her new patron
Could he be a businessman?
Guess the type of his job
Guess the first letter of his job
Give the answer
Yakuza Patriarch

Don’t be a perv, and assume she’s talking about your calamity. After his she heads off with the Yakuza to go give some palm readings. When she texts you again, respond with:

I’m worried about your safety.
I’m single (Doesn’t actually matter if you’re dating someone already or not)

Sure text you again to set up a date now.

Fourth Date:

I opted for Shogi again, as this seemed to be her favorite thing and it’s easy to cheese.

Talk about her patron
Tell her it’s because she’s charming

Talk about the future
I want to keep seeing you

Talk about calamities (will have a lock on it)
Talk about calamities

When she texts you again, respond with:

When she texts you back agree to meet up with her, and you’ll have to go meet her at your office this time.

Fifth “Date”:

Amane’s patron shows up, and makes you an offer you can’t refuse. After Amane will come and speak to you. Respond to her with:

But you just didn’t want to admit it?

After she leaves send her a text:

Send (no message choice)
How’ve you been?
Send (no message choice)Send (no message choice, you have to wait a bit for this one to show up)
Is everything okay?
Send (no message choice)
I noticed you haven’t said anything

She’ll then agree to meet you over by the theater in the usual spot

Sixth Date:

Talk about Ushimata
Thank the cow

Talk about her lost powers
I’ll find a way around it

Talk about seeing each other (will have a lock on it)
Talk about seeing each other
No way

Respond how you want now, relationship counts as soon as you get the cutscene with her proclaiming her interest in a “special partnership”.

Tsukino Saotome

After you complete the string of 4 Side Cases involving the group of perverts, Yosuke will eventually message you asking you to speak with Tsukino, which is the point you can take her on dates.Message her when you feel like, responding with:

I head you were feeling a little down.
Maybe I could cheer you up somehow?

For gifts Tsukino doesn’t like flashy stuff, or things that are overly expensive.

First Date:

I opted to go to the batting center, as it’s a good de-stress location. After that you’ll sit down to talk to her, respond with the following.

Ask about her personal life
Pretend you forgot
What are your hobbies?
What kind of men do you like?

Talk about the Twisted Trio
Reassure her strongly

Ask her why she’s so anxious
Pledge your loyalty to Tsukino

Press further about her situation
Why no see if you can get the job first?

After the date she asks if you could help her with practice interviews for jobs, which you should agree too. She’ll text you again after a bit, where you should respond with:

Let’s hang out after our practice interview.

Yosuke will message you, to which you should respond:

That’s a secret.
No, that’s not true at all.

Tsukino will text you again in a bit, where you should respond with:

What do you mean?
That’s not true.
I understand.

She’ll message you next asking to do the mock interview, and you’ll have to meet her by Theater Square again.

Second Date:

When you get there Tsukino is dressed up as if for a real interview, and you’ll have to point some things out she actually has incorrect. First examine the jacket buttons, and tell her that it’s incorrect and she should fasten both buttons. Inspect the bag and that will be everything to advise her on. After that you can take her somewhere to unwind a bit before the practice interview, this time I opted for darts. After that you’ll sit down with Tsukino for a chat and the practice interview, respond with:

Begin the practice interview

Why did you apply here?
Were you quiet as a child?
Did you apply anywhere else?

How would you describe yourself?

How can you contribute to our company?
Offer a helping suggestion

Ask about her drawings
I’d love to check those out.

Ask about her fiance
I’m sure it’s hard on him, too.
Sounds like the opposite of me.
I’m honestly a little jealous.

After this your conversation ends, and a dude in a tophat (her fiance) shows up. He monologues for a bit then mistakes Yagami for a servant, to which you can tell him you’re her friend or boyfriend. I went with friend as it would seem in my opinion to cause less immediate problems. After that he leaves and the date ends.

Tsukino will respond to you shortly after, where you should respond:

You really had it together.
That’s common.
Ask her out.

Third Date:

When you meet up she’ll ask if you see anything different about her, spot her new earrings that she’s wearing. Her fiance shows up randomly, and challenges you to a game of Poker. If you have the Joker’s Wild Card from the Voluptuous Woman’s friendship this is a fun place to use it, pop it first round and you’ll be basically guaranteed to win, then keep raising your bet. When you win a hand you can quit the table. You’ll head to the Cafe again to talk.

Talk about her interview
I’m sure you’ll do better next time.

Talk about her artwork
Say they’re incredible
You should make this your career
I can empathize

Talk about Ryuzenji
Empathize with her
That’s tough

Tsukino will message you back shorty after the date, respond with:

That’s very bold of you.
Being bored.

Yosuke messages you next, then Tsukino will message you again. Respond with:

That’s amazing!
Ask if she’d like to practice

Fourth Date:

Mr Cane (but not the cool one) shows up once more, and challenges you to a game of darts before you can decide where to go with Tsukino, which you should accept. If you have Miracle Darts from Quickstarter you can have fun absolutely slapping the guy here, as they make darts incredibly hard to do bad at. Just pick Count Up and go for triple 20s every time. After you beat him he then challenges you to a duel, which you should also accept because why wouldn’t you. You’ll then sit and talk for a bit before her next interview.

Wrap things up with Ryuzenji
Guess it woke him up to the world of love

Get her psyched
What kind of designer do you see yourself as?
What can you contribute to our company?
You communicated very well.

After the date Tsukino will message you, respond with:

And how’d it go?
Don’t dwell too much on it. You’ll be fine.

Head over to your office to meet Tsukino now for the final date.

Fifth Date:

Congratulations on the job.

Press further about her situation

You mentioned something important…

Respond how you want, and the date will be over.

Those are all the dating partners in Judgment (Judge Eyes), good luck with the girls!